Second Year Research Projects



Second Year Research Project Presentations
October 2016

Allison de Seve
The Influence of Meaning in Life on Cross-Cultural Coping Strategies Among First-Generation College Students
Advised by Lisa Samstag

Lindsay Farmer 
Early trauma and self-efficacy: The role of perceived parenting style
 Advised by Sara Haden

 Christopher Guarino
Investigating the Effects of Metaphorical Frames on Event Importance Judgments
Advised by Philip Wong

Megan Ice
The Relationship Between Emotional Abuse and Self-compassion in Men and Women
Advised by Sara Haden

Jessica Nadel
Childhood Trauma, Emotion Dysregulation, and Psychological Aggression in Adulthood
Advised by Sara Haden

Zachary Neumann
Narcissism, Emathy, and Prosocial Behavior: Self-Report and Behavioral Response
Advised by Kevin Meehan

Mary Pioli
Affluence and Narcissism: 
A Comparison of Narcissistic Facets in Affluent and Non affluent Young Adults
Advised by Philip Wong

Lisa Rimsky
An exploration of the mechanisms that underlie rejection sensitivity in individuals high in borderline personality features
Advised by Nicole Cain

Jonah Teitelbaum
The Conceptual Map Task: Using Patterns of Eye Gaze to Measure Implicit Associations
Advised by Kevin Meehan

Halle Thurnauer
The Role of Effortful Control in Schizotypy and Facial Emotion Recognition
Advised by Nicole Cain and Kevin Meehan

Sara Van Hoose
Childhood Adversity, Resolution, and Reflective Function
Advised by Nick Papouchis



Cox, H., Papouchis, N., & Cain, N. (2015). Emotion regulation as a mediator between mindfulness and interpersonal distress.

Diamond, R., Papouchis, N., Miller, L. (2015) The role of mindfulness on attachment and well-being in emerging adults.

Foss, S., Haden, S. C., & Monk, C. (2015).The role of neuroendocrine alterations in the intergenerational transmission of maternal childhood trauma on infant cognitive functioning.

Hansen, M.C.., Vakhrusheva, J., Khan, S., Ramirez, P.M., & Kimhy, D. (2015). Impact of the characteristics of auditory hallucinations on quality of life in people diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Hartz, A., Meehan,K., Wong, P., Bossis, A., Boylan, L., & Alla Landa, A. (2015). Getting It off Your Chest: Talking about relationships and heart rate variability in patients with somatization spectrum disorders

Judes, D., Goldstein, R., & Meehan, K. B. (2015). Reflective Functioning and Interpersonal Subtypes in Psychotherapy

Kelly, E. & Saunders, B. (2015). Investigating the nonmedical use and diversion of prescription drugs

Lerner, E. & Meehan, K. (2015). Interpersonal trauma, perceived maternal care and posttraumatic stress symptoms in a national sample of adolescents

Murrin, K., Wong, P., & Utecht, E. (2015). Urgency, creative problem solving, and resilience: an analysis of personality and behavioral response to emotional arousal

Schwerd, A. & Haden, S. (2015). Self-Compassion as a Mediator Between Adult Attachment and General Self-Efficacy

Tacopina, S., Mannix, L., de Sève, A, & Wong, P.S (2015). Defining Healthy and Pathological Dependency Through the Use of Defense Mechanisms