Dissertations 2012-2013

Azcuy, Akeela Ali (1/13) Self-worth, competency domains, and body-esteem in overweight and normal weight culturally-diverse young adolescents (Gary Kose, Ph.D.; Joan Duncan, PhD Marvin Hurvich, Ph.D.)
This study explores the effects of body mass index on self-worth and body-esteem among preadolescent children. One hundred and twenty-nine ethnically diverse, seventh graders, aged 12.7 years, completed demographic questionnaires, self-worth, and body-esteem scales. They also had their weight and heights measured to produce an accurate body mass index score (BMI). Self-Worth was assessed with Harter's (1988) Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents, which taps global self-worth and self-evaluations in specific domains. Body-esteem was assessed with the Body-Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adults (Mendelson, Mendelson, and White, 2001), which yields three measures (BE-Appearance, BE-weight, and BE-attribution). Higher BMI adolescents were lower in body-esteem and global self worth than their lower BMI counterparts. Ethnicity and gender were not found to have an effect on BMI's relationship with body-esteem or global self-worth.