Utecht, Eric (7/15) Resilience, distress, wellbeing, nonverbal memory, and cognitive flexibility: A longitudinal study of adaptation to college stressors (Philip S. Wong, Ph.D.; Lisa Wallner Samstag, Ph.D.; Joan W. Duncan, Ph.D.)
Azar, Naomi (5/15) Childhood parentification: understanding the influence of emotion regulation and shame-proneness on the association between perceived unfairness and mental health outcomes (Sara C. Haden, Ph.D.; Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.;Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.)
Lezama, Lucia (5/15) The impact of object relations and acculturative stress on the subjective well-being of Mexican immigrants (Lisa Wallner Samstag, Ph.D.; Joan Duncan, Ph.D.;Benjamin A. Saunders, Ph.D.)
Daly, Leslie (5/15) Yoga and emotion regulation in high school students: the internal relationship (Sara C. Haden, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.; Paul Ramirez, Ph.D.; Marshall Hagins, PT, Ph.D.)
Diamond, Elizabeth (5/15) Pathways to body destruction: The contribution of caregiving deficits, dissociative processes, and body alienation to the development of disordered eating and self-injurious behaviors (Sara C. Haden, Ph.D.; Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.; Paul Michael Ramirez, Ph.D.)
Mahoney, Melissa (5/15) Obsessive-compulsive personality as a means of terror management (Benjamin A. Saunders, Ph.D.;Nicole M. Cain, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.)
Brennan, Tara (5/15) Stereotyping, emergent ethnic self-concepts, and cognitive developmental changes related to transitions from early into middle childhood (Gary Kose, Ph.D.; Benjamin Saunders, Ph.D.; Paul Ramirez, Ph.D.)
Levin, Kara (5/15) Psychological distress in women presenting for first-time in vitro fertilization: Relationships among maternal identity centrality, grief, and psychopathology (Lisa Wallner Samstag, Ph.D.; Sara C. Haden, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.;Joan Duncan, Ph.D.)
Grennan, Michelle (5/15) The role of mentalization in the relationship between trauma severity and symptomatology following circumscribed and complex traumatic experience (Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.; Sara Chiara Haden, Ph.D.; Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.)
Gersick, Sarah (1/15) Psychological independence: risk and resiliency in emerging adult Asian-American immigrants (Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.; Inga Reznik, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.)
Kunik, Lauren (1/15) An investigation of the relationship between panic disorder and conflicted aggression (Philip S. Wong, Ph.D.;Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.; Nicole M. Cain, Ph.D.; Barbara Milrod, M.D. Weill Cornell Medical College)
Rutimann, Daniel (1/15) Reflective function as a moderator of the relationship between childhood trauma and skin conductance level (Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.; Philip S. Wong, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.)
Hochsztein, Natanya (9/14) Executive functioning and social competence as predictors of resilience in emotional functioning in youth diagnosed with epilepsy (Sara Haden, Ph.D.; Paul Michael Ramirez, Ph.D.; Joan Duncan, Ph.D.; William S. MacAllister, Ph.D.)
Chase, Rebecca (9/14) The effects of social skills and social role taking on problems of spatial perspective taking (Gary Kose, Ph.D.; Benjamin Saunders, Ph.D.; Elizabeth Kudadjie-Gyamfi, Ph.D.)
Braga, Raffaella (9/14) Client and therapist personality characteristics affecting psychotherapy dropout at a psychological training clinic (Nicole M. Cain, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.;Linda Penn, Ph.D.)
Ben-Israel, Ady (9/14) The normality and interpersonal adaptivity of intra-individual gender variability (Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.;Nicole M. Cain, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.)
Glicklich, Rosalyn (9/14) Interpersonal distress in young adulthood: the impact of corporal punishment and perceived parental acceptance and rejection (Sara C. Haden, Ph.D.; Nicole M. Cain, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.)
Motamedinia, Shahab (9/14) The influence of positive experiences on the self-esteem and affect of individuals with narcissistic traits (Philip S. Wong, Ph.D.; Joan W. Duncan, Ph.D.; Marvin Hurvich, Ph.D.)
Weinstein, Shauna (8/14) Mental state identification and childhood trauma: a neglected relationship (Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.; Nicole M. Cain, Ph.D.; Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.)
Frankel, Adam (8/14) Monetary priming at conscious and nonconscious levels of prime accessibility and motivational behavior (Philip S. Wong, Ph.D.; Benjamin A. Saunders, Ph.D.;Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.)
Bell-Thompson, Sean (8/14) Effortful control and reflective functioning: testing a model of affect regulation (Nicholas Papouchis, Ph.D.; Philip S. Wong, Ph.D.; Kevin B. Meehan, Ph.D.)